Tuesday 10 February 2015

National Health - Of Queues and Cures (1978, Charly CRL 5010)

Another favourite album from bygone days. This is from the last days of the golden period of progressive rock and is a belter! The second album from National Health, but this saw a much more streamlined band with Dave Stewart, Phil Miller, John Greaves and Pip Pyle playing as tight as anything. Certainly a key part of the Canterbury Sound, but this is less noodling and more in yer face.

I remember purchasing this album back in 1978 when it was released from Listen Records in Paisley. Listen had a Branch in the High Street, off Storie Street which was just a few minutes walk from Paisley College of Technology. Handy for us students with our student grants to spend! It was a different time then. No loans!

Listen Records in the 70's was the in place to buy records. You were cool at school if walked around with records in a white Listen Records plastic bag under your arm. However, the shop in Glasgow, just outside Glasgow Central Station up Renfield Street, if memory serves me right was a mecca for all aspiring record collectors. It was an intimidating establishments for a naive 15 year old, not used to the big city. The staff were surly and intimidating. The shop was like a dark dungeon. They had a basement, where you entered at your peril never to return. Long gone now of course and I think Listen suffered when the megastores took over in the early 80's. There is a story to be told about these old record haunts!



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